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Ipad vs Tooth #8 (ipad won)

Pt presented to office after taking ipad to face.  She fractured the incicsal 1/2 of tooth, no mobity or alveolar trauma.  While I couldn't see a direct exposure, I could see pink.

We explained options, placed composite as an esthetic fix while we evaluated pulpal status.  Ultimately it was irreversible pulpitis and causing patient some discomfort and she elected RCT.


We used wave one and bc sealer.  Now with the tooth asymptomatic , we prepped for crown.


We placed empress multi a-2 with some white staining to mimic 9


Sorry for the blood but patient was happy we were able to match 9 and didnt need to crown 9 to get a shade match.

Fun to take on the single anterior with cerec

You nailed it, great job!

Fun to take on the single anterior with cerec

You, Sir, are a sick man.  Nice, nice job!

Very nice match Coop!



well done,, great match


Very Nice Job!!!!!!!!!!


Wow,  Don't think any lab would ever be able to match like that.

This looks really nice! I love seeing these posts for inspiration! The surface texture looks great!