Discussion Boards

Islam Dehis Post a New Topic

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Why the bone loss around the implants and is it within reasonable limits?
By: Islam Dehis 7 Replies
Does anyone know how to convert a .dcm CBCT file to .dicom?
By: Islam Dehis 10 Replies
Surgical profiling of an AStra EV Implant
By: Islam Dehis 7 Replies
Need help planning this implant case.
By: Islam Dehis 17 Replies
My First Ever MB III
By: Islam Dehis 6 Replies
Can someone review this Implant treatment plan for me please?
By: Islam Dehis 2 Replies
Atlantis Abutment Desgin_Help Needed.
By: Islam Dehis 2 Replies
Implant ScanBody would not seat
By: Islam Dehis 8 Replies
Is there ever a need to order the Midi CEREC guide blocks to mill the CEREC Guide 3
By: Islam Dehis 3 Replies
PrimePrint Pricing
By: Islam Dehis
is courtesy discount for cash paying patients considered discriminatory?
By: Islam Dehis 9 Replies
Could you Improve upon this proposal? (Tooth #28 Severely Worn Down Dentition with loss of VDO)
By: Islam Dehis 2 Replies
Dental Ceramics
By: Islam Dehis 2 Replies
TeiloCAD Block B55 Question.
By: Islam Dehis 1 Reply