Discussion Boards

Created Title
Dental Radiology Diagnostics - taking a long time to get a read and report.
By: Ron Jarvis 4 Replies
My assistant got called up for jury duty
By: Ron Jarvis 3 Replies
Nobel Active - platform switch possible?
By: Ron Jarvis 2 Replies
Astra EV Profile - is this a case you would do?
By: Ron Jarvis 14 Replies
Do you LOVE your CPA?
By: Ron Jarvis 13 Replies
MCXL 'froze' while milling a crown this morning
By: Ron Jarvis 3 Replies
CBCT finding - does this look like an arterial calcification to you?
By: Ron Jarvis 2 Replies
Custom titanium abutment - need a lab that work with my scan done with Zimmer scan body
By: Ron Jarvis 2 Replies
Possible scam - have you received a call from someone claiming to be with Amazon Alexa?
By: Ron Jarvis 6 Replies
Programat software update - includes ZirCAD MT Multi - anyone know how how to install?
By: Ron Jarvis 3 Replies
Are you comfortable using Katana for a #18 - #20 implant supported bridge?
By: Ron Jarvis 2 Replies
why is extra fine mode not an option for this case?
By: Ron Jarvis 5 Replies
Implant bridge 18-20 - need some help with abutment design
By: Ron Jarvis 3 Replies
Orthophos SL is versatile - not just for mandible/maxilla
By: Ron Jarvis 5 Replies
#18 crown in design doesn't match crown in manufacture phase - need help!
By: Ron Jarvis 6 Replies
DS World
By: Ron Jarvis 1 Reply
43% of COVID-19 deaths in USA have occurred among 0.6% of the population
By: Ron Jarvis 51 Replies
Merz artBloc temp material.
By: Ron Jarvis 1 Reply
#8 implant restoration. Ti-base or custom abutment - What would you do?
By: Ron Jarvis 6 Replies
Planning implant supported 18-20 bridge, but bridge doesn't come over from CEREC 4.6 to Galileos
By: Ron Jarvis 3 Replies
using ortho software with #4 - #13 case
By: Ron Jarvis 2 Replies