Late night CERECing thoughts...
It's very humbling to look back on cases when I started using CEREC 12 years ago. I was so happy to take a crown straight out of the mill and put it in the patients mouth. I had no idea what I was looking for when I looked at a tooth, other than if the color was right (which really meant was it close but not perfect). Today, I look at teeth in an entirely different way. I love to see the color patterns, the anatomy, the contouring and the light reflections. I am able to see this now because I posted cases and other doctors were willing to show me how to improve. I was also willing to accept those answers. That is what I love about this forum. We are all here to grow.
So what do I see in a case like this...
Anatomy of a youthful tooth: sharp line angles, prominent central lobe and contouring at the gingival embrasures on the mesial and distal. This is contouring that is done post mill.
Fun color patterns: the white bands at the gingival 1/3, the blue translucency and the white framing along the incisal edge.
Reflections: Do my reflections mirror each other? If so, then my anatomy is similar. If not, I need to re-contour to get them to match.
and the final...
Don't you just love that we have this capability in our office?