4.5.2 and that last CEREC case of the year

Thomas Monahan Petar Tofovic
7 years ago

So had my last work day of the year lined up, light work load Friday, today, and then your friends wife comes in. Her chief complaint was the aesthetics of her front teeth and wanting to get a new smile for the new year.


With everything going on, I was pretty hesitant to take it on and to do it in one visit. The bite, the diastema, and the gingival zenith really concerned me. But we did have the bridges and the starting point of the teeth going for us. After going over all my concerns with her, we decided to proceed with the case, something I definitely wouldn't have done without having a Cerec and the crutch of 4.5.2s amazing initial proposals. Being super motivated to get a new smile for the new year, she was okay with, at worst, using the crowns as temporaries. Luckily, although I wasn't the biggest fan, she absolutely loved the end result, hug/teary eyes and all. Just shows that sometimes we really are our own hardest critics. Now onto the new year!!!

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