Fractured Lateral Incisor

Thomas Monahan Mike Skramstad
8 years ago

Here is a fun case I did today:

Patient came in with fractured lateral incisor (#7).  Was a virgin tooth that he fractured on a peanut... It had exposed his pulp chamber and was painful

We went ahead and did endo on the tooth first:

He has a lot of lingual tooth structure left (plenty for ferrule and lingual is most important for tension forces):

We sandblasted the prep and bonded on his fractured tooth with total etch, Scotchbond Universal, and Rely X Ultimate (etched and applied Scotchbond to tooth as well):

We did a Biocopy and then prepped a full coverage crown on the tooth:

The final restoration was 3M2 Vita Trilux stained and glazed to match his existing teeth.  I also show the contrasted picture so you can see the nice effect of the Trilux Block...

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