CEREC Tip - Object Fix on Exterior of Restoration

Thomas Monahan Mark Fleming
10 years ago

Dr. Rich Rosenblatt passed along this great tip.

When glazing e.max restorations, sometimes the Object Fix can get embedded into the glaze and then after firing, there are some sharp edges around the perimeter of the restoration. I use two things to remove the rough exterior spots and bring back a nice polished finish. 

The first thing I like to use is the Premier thin Fibra-Point wheel.



I use this to remove excess Object Fix and also I will use them to pre-polish the crown after removing the sprue.



I run my fingertip around the perimeter of the crown to see if I can feel any rough areas and then use this wheel at a low speed to buff them out.  

Once I’m done with that, I use a #11 Robinson brush with Diashine paste to bring back the luster. 





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