Do Patients Really Look for a CEREC Dentist?

Thomas Monahan Rich Rosenblatt
14 years ago

Can we get new patients and referrals because we use this fantastic technology?

Sure we can.

I was doing an in office training last week in San Diego. At 7:30 a.m. I got a call on my cell phone from a receptionist at another general dentist's office in my area that was on vacation. The receptionist told me that they had a patient that leaves the Chicago area for the winter and heads to Florida. She broke a tooth and needed a new crown.

The problem was that she was leaving that Saturday and wouldn't be back until spring. The dentist is a CEREC dentist, and the receptionist knew that I used CEREC and asked if I could fit her in the next day. I said I'd be glad to since I was heading home that evening, and she could not be seen in their office before she left.

The next morning I did a buildup and a crown, and 90 minutes later she was off and finishing her packing to leave for the winter. She was so appreciative for being taken care of, and told me that she does not understand why all dentists don't use the technology, and why it is not advertised more to create awareness.

I told her when she gets back, her dentist will need to replace the crown in front of the one I just did because it had an open margin. She said that she was looking forward to removing it and having another CEREC done. Looking forward to a dental procedure??? I provided her a great service that she was happy to pay for. I filled a hole in my schedule and did not have to worry about a temp, impressions, or occupying my operatory for a second visit. This technology will get you new patients. You won't see dozens at a time, but the longer you use the technology, the more they seem to seek you out.

I love days like this!

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