Are You Passionate About CEREC? Start a Study Club!

Thomas Monahan Rich Rosenblatt
14 years ago

As many of you can guess, I'm a raving fan of CEREC. It has been this way since 2003 when I did my first crown, and has only intensified over the years.

When I started doing CEREC, I think our office was the 39th CEREC machine in Chicago, or something like that. We did not have lots of places to learn more about CEREC, certainly nothing like!

I decided that I wanted to figure out a way to learn more about this technology, so with the help of my then-CEREC specialist and the local branch here, we started the Northern Illinois CEREC Study Club. It has now grown to one of the largest CEREC study clubs of its kind.

It has been a great experience for me. It was my platform to learning how to lecture, and it allowed me to meet multiple times a year with peers who had the same passion for this amazing technology that I have. I would do most of the lectures, but I also invited some of the companies that we utilize to help us with materials, cementation or characterizing our restorations in a furnace. I would invite well-known speakers from around the country and fill up a room with attendees for lectures. I had people from our mother company, Sirona, come and speak to us about new releases, and what was to come.

It has been a great, ride, and one that is truly appreciated by the members in my group. If this is something that interests you, feel free to contact me, or get in touch with your local CEREC specialist and see if they can help you put something together locally. It really is a win for us, Patterson and Sirona to do this. It takes a little bit of work, but it has certainly been a labor of love for me, and I have learned a great deal about CEREC along the way.

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