For Us Techy Geeks Who Lose Our Phones or Keys!

Thomas Monahan Rich Rosenblatt
14 years ago
Maybe I'm the only one, but do you ever get up to leave your house and you have your keys, but not your phone or vice versa? Ever leave your phone in a cab and it drives off? I have. I called it once I figured it out and cursed out the dude that found it and took my BlackBerry! He never returned it. Well I found out about a cool device called a Zomm. It attaches to your keychain and wirelessly tethers your keys to your phone. When they get a certain distance away from each other, an alarm sounds so you won't forget one or the other. It also acts as a speakerphone for your cell phone so you can do hands-free while driving. It also has an emergency alarm. I recommended it to an employee who got it for her husband and they love it. If you have that horrible habit of forgetting your phone, check out this cool and relatively inexpensive item. You can see a video demo at
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