Thomas Monahan Mark Fleming
14 years ago

This is my favorite time of the year - MARCH MADNESS! I grew up in a small town in Indiana and have been infected with Hoosier Hysteria for a long time. I LOVE basketball, especially college basketball. I am always looking at how teamwork translates into quality play. It is more satisfying for me to watch a TEAM play rather than a 'superstar.'

How much teamwork is happening in your office? Do you believe you have a team, or do you feel you are weighed down by prima donnas? Don't things seem much better when everyone is on the same page, working together? How much time as a leader do you invest in creating an environment that fosters TEAMWORK?

In August, OPTIMIZING THE CEREC PRACTICE is being given at the Center by Imtiaz Manji and Sameer Puri, DDS. This is an excellent program to help you and your team become aligned to ensure practice success and high standards of patient care. What a great investment to instill the idea of TEAMWORK into your practice!

Check it out. I'm sure you will find that TEAMWORK you learn can lead to a winning outcome for your practice!

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