CEREC Justification

Here is an implant abutment and final restoration that was designed and fabricated with the CEREC. This case was done by Dr. Mike Scoles, a dentist who has dedicated himself to the CEREC process. Because of the volume of dentistry and the number of patients his two offices treat, having the ability to make abutments and final restorations with the CEREC saves his practice a ton of money. Anyone who looks at the ROI of CEREC needs to look at it with all of the things that the machine can do. If all you are going to be doing is small inlays and onlays, then you need to do a lot of restorations to justify the cost of the machine. However, if you can get the proper training and add anteriors, posteriors, implant crowns and bridges, the cost of the technology almost seems laughable - especially if you have two offices like Dr. Scoles. I want to thank Mike for sharing this case and the fantastic use of the technology.
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