4.0 Is Out!

The final disks will be hitting your offices starting mid- to late September. In an effort to get you ready, here is what you need to know about updating to the 4.0 software.

1. Do not contact your territory rep or CEREC Specialist in an effort to try to get the software faster. They have no control over this and you will get the software once it's shipped.

2. You must update your CEREC Bluecam to Windows 7 64-bit to run 4.0. Don't try to do this yourself. Patterson will have a conversion disk for you which contains all the drivers that are needed. If you attempt to update your computer yourself, your camera and milling unit may not work.

3. Each software comes with a license dongle that will need to be installed in order to run the software. This will be available to all CEREC Club members.

4. Redcam owners will receive the 4.0 software in January. They will require a computer upgrade that will be available from Patterson.

These are just a few of the basics. You can find additional information on the message boards.

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