It's a Dry Heat

So after a few weeks in Scottsdale, I have to say that I'm really enjoying my time at the Center. It's been great to be able to go in and really have a fun day at the office. Not that I didn't enjoy my days in private practice at my office in Los Angeles - I did. I had a fantastic staff and had a great time seeing patients. But coming into Scottsdale Center - the home of is different. The place is amazing; my office has all the bells and whistles a techie dentist could ask for. We have 30 CERECs on site, all of which are going to be updated to 4.0 in the next week or so. It's a dream come true for any dentist.

Despite all the great things about the new job, the new office, the new work colleagues I get to see every day, there is one thing that I am not quite used to - the HEAT! Holy cow! When they say "It's a dry heat," it's true; it's dry but it's still HOT! Being a California resident for the past 30-some-odd years, I have to say that after leaving the Golden State I really do appreciate how great the weather was back home. I'm sure in due time the weather here will just be a part of life and I, along with my entire family, will be used to it. But in the meanwhile, it's just flippin' hot here! :)

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