What’s the best way to cool down a restoration when it comes out of the oven? Next time, try a coffee mug. Not a paper cup from Starbucks or anything like that –a ceramic coffee mug.

When the restoration comes out of the oven, set the entire tray aside on the metal tray beside the oven. This will allow the tray to cool a bit. Put your tongs in the muffle of the oven to warm them. You never want to touch hot porcelain with cold metal.

Once the tongs get a bit warm, move the restoration from the firing tray to the bottom of a coffee mug. The ceramic acts as a heat sink and helps to suck up some of the excess heat, allowing the restoration to cool a bit faster. What’s great is that the mug acts as a great device to transfer the restoration from your lab to the chair.

By the time you walk over, your restoration has cooled enough where you can handle it with ease. This is a super-cheap and inexpensive way to transfer your restoration and cool it at the same time.

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