Thank you to the unsung CEREC heroes!

Thomas Monahan Rich Rosenblatt
13 years ago

Every once in a blue moon, computers rear their ugly heads at us. We all know that feeling.

Well, I had a situation in my office today where I was milling an e.max crown. My Bluecam would just not recognize my milling unit. I tried everything I knew and nothing was working.

I did what any smart CEREC user does at that point ... cried! OK, maybe I didn't cry but I did do something very smart. I called the Patterson Technology Center, or PTC as they are known.

Many times people come to our site for answers to questions, especially hardware questions. Even though we have close to 80 years combined experience in the faculty alone – plus way over 100 of years of combined experience with of the mentors, from time to time we come across things that we just don't have a good answer for.   

I'm writing this to remind everyone of what a great resource the PTC is. They have a beautiful new facility in Effingham, Ill. and a staff of people there to deal with CEREC questions and issues. I spoke to an amazing gal named Kerri (I apologize if I spelled her name wrong). She was not only very sweet and patient with me on the phone, but she soon had me up and running and I was able to finish up my procedure.

The techs at the Patterson Technology Center are a fantastic resource for us when we need that helping hand. It doesn’t happen often, but it is nice to know that they are there for us when we need them.

Keep this number handy just in case. 800-475-5036. You may not know their names but they are a great bunch, and I for one would like to thank them: Thanks for your hard work and allowing me to continue to do mine!!

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