Cerec 27 and a half

Thomas Monahan Peter Gardell
13 years ago

Less than six months to go until a fantastic worldwide CEREC event. Hard to believe it is approaching so quickly.

I look back and reflect on what happened with CEREC 25 and it was more than just sitting in a room listening to some of the sharpest minds in CAD/CAM dentistry. It was so cool listening to a presentation through headphones spoken in Japanese, translated into English by a person with a German accent. Where else could you have the chance to shake the hands of an individual who developed a technology that has changed the ways I d things on a daily basis. Or talk with peoplewho developed materials that look better and are stronger than what I use to get made for my patients.

This picture demonstrates what the event was really about:

It was an event filled with education, fun and good times – but it was also event that created relationships that are the foundation for the CEREC movement. This was a gathering of thousands of dentists from around the globe that do not accept mediocrity with the dentistry they perform and want to help the profession as a whole develop into something better.

At this event, I did what I tell my kids not to do. I interacted with individuals online on and then went ahead and met them in person. On this hat are the signatures of a number of people who have become great mentors and friends, people who have made me step up and improve the patient care I give.

A group of people so generous with the information that they freely give out, they are great ambassadors for the technology and are fanatics that everyday help improve dentistry.

If you have not thought about going to Cerec 27 and a half, please do. It is a unique event that happens only once and awhile, and it always promises to be something unforgettable. You will return so energized you will not regret it.

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