Simple Trick That Will Make Resin Cement Removal Easier

Thomas Monahan Brian Toorani
12 years ago

I wanted to share this technique to help all who have had trouble with cement clean up!

Teflon tape!!!!!!

In addition to placing Blue-Sep (by Parkell) to the contact areas of the Crown restoration, I stretch a 1-2” Teflon tape on the contacts of the adjacent teeth (intra-orally) prior to applying the bonding agent to the prepped tooth.  I gently tuck the Teflon tape sub-sulcularly with an explorer at the contact area to form a seal. Then, I apply my bonding agent as directed, air dry the prep and then remove the Teflon before seating the crown restoration. Because the Bonding agent is a MAGNET for the Resin CEMENT, by making sure no bonding agent comes to contact with the contact area will make cement clean-up much easier.




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