Lava Ultimate Polish Tip

Thomas Monahan Peter Gardell
12 years ago

Patience is a virtue

And I have none. 

We have been told and the advantages have been shown of polishing Lava Ultimate a certain way to get the highest luster and best result with the material. 

  Rough Mill    

Since I am lazy I have looked for ways to accelerate the polishing process for full coverage restorations made with this material. It turns out that one of the oldest ways I have been told to polish has worked well with Lava Ultimate. After I have made adjustments and do a rough polish with a white wheel, I resorted to breaking out the lathe in the lab and use Fine Pumice on a wet rag wheel followed by a dry rag wheel with Fabuluster. Seems like what I used in dental school to polish acrylic, may have a new use with a modern material. In a matter of seconds this material can be brought to a high luster ready for cementation.

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