Esthetic Enhancement of CEREC Restorations

One of the keys to proper esthetics with all CEREC restorations is the process of esthetically enhancing the restorations prior to the final polishing and/or staining and glazing of the restorations.  If you want the best esthetics, it is imperative that you enhance the anatomy after milling.

The burs that are in the milling unit are large. The cone bur that mills the anatomy in the MCXL is over a 1 mm at the tip - this is so that the bur doesn't constantly break when you are milling.  Because of the size of the bur, its virtually impossible to get that detailed anatomy that makes that CEREC restoration just pop!

Many different burs can be used to create this anatomy but I prefer to use a diamond.  If you use a carbide, the chatter from the carbide can lead to unnecessary micro fractures in the porcelain.

The type of diamond that we use will depend on what material I'm working on. The top bur- the thin finishing diamond is my favorite.  (Coltene Whaledent -Diamond Flame - R858F012FG) Its thin point allows me to really get that detail and defined anatomy that takes the restoration to the next level- however you can only use this bur on the softer, polymer based materials - aka LAVA Ultimate and Vita Enamic.  If you use this on the harder porcelain based restorations, then you will have an issue because the tip is so fine, it will get dull and you will simply have a bunch of bur marks on your restoration.

For emax, vita & empress - this is the bur shape that I use. (Coletene Whaledent Alpen Diamond Speedster Pointed Football - RZ390F018FG ). It is a bit thicker, it doesn't give me as much detail but it certainly gives me the ability to refine the anatomy as well as allowing the bur to last a long time.

So before your final polish and your final stain and glaze- take a few moments, use a diamond and enhance your anatomy. Your end result will be miles better.

These burs are part of the bur block available from Coltene Whaledent.  Just ask your Patterson rep for the bur block.  You don't have the buy the Coltene burs- many manufactures make the similar shape.  The take away is to refine your anatomy and use a bur that won't go dull after two swipes.  The football works great, for the softer materials- the fine diamond works well.


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