CEREC Musings: My Patient Doesn't want.....

Thomas Monahan Peter Gardell
11 years ago

Many times we are our own worst enemies. We over think a situation and many times tie our own hands. In the past when one said they would be doing a screw retained restoration immediately we think:

My patient doesn't want a brand new crown with a filling in it.

Now with the e.max Mesoblock coming to market, we are forced to re-evaluate the screw retained implant crown. The workflow of the hybrid implant crown is remarkable.- full control of emergence,  full control of the esthetics and precision fit of the block to the TiBase.

In the past we had difficulty due to the metal chimney that was required for the lab tech to stack porcelain to.  Even if an attempt was made to cut the chimney back, at the risk of fracturing the glass, you usually had a grey appearance where you closed the access hole with composite.

Combine the e.max Mesoblock, TiBase and the Ivoclar Hybrid Implant Cement and the stage is set for us to create a highly esthetic restoration. You just have to finish it up with a small composite filling with material that matches the e.max perfectly like Empress Direct. We end up with a restoration that we have total control of the emergence profile with no fear of cement sepsis.

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