routine place and restore with azento

Thomas Monahan Dan Butterman
6 years ago

I used to restore all of my implants with a TiBase, then Atlantis came along and I found that workflow to be just so easy, that it is now my go to workflow even though it costs more. Almost all of my implant surgeries were with a cg2, but then Azento was introduced and now I'm doing a lot of my surgeries with Azento because the workflow is so predictable.  One of the best features of CEREC is that you have multiple workflows for people that want to save money and control every step of the process (I still do sometimes) vs. spending more but having someone else take care of the majority of the work.  Best of all, you don't have to choose one or the other, you can do both or pieces of each when it comes to implant placement and restoration.

This is just a routine Azento case where I chose to spend more, but have most of the work done for me.

The first appointment, my assistant did the CEREC and CBCT scans.

The plan was ready in a day and the surgery was the following week.

The patient was scheduled 3 months later for delivery. One week before her appointment, my assistant pulled the core file into CEREC, designed a standard crown on the included abutment, and cemented to the abutment that came with my Azento case to deliver a screw retained crown.

My total involvement was approving the Azento case, doing the guided surgery and placing the custom healing abutment (20 minutes), and seating the screw retained crown (10 minutes).  I for sure could have saved money milling a cg2, scanning a scanpost and designing a screw retained crown, and the result would have likely been just as good, but I would have been much more heavily involved time wise in the whole process.  Sometimes it's ok to be a little lazy :)



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