The Power of Many CEREC Owners

We CEREC owners are 11000 strong now. Slowly becoming more and more mainstream as regular average joe dentists are finding the value of one visit dentistry. As more clinicians realize the benefits of same appointment dentistry, without messy impressions, goo, temps and all the other inconveniences of the traditional way of restoring teeth, the obvious beneficiaries are our patients. I cant tell you the number of referrals we get from happy patients who would never go back to the old way of temporaries and a second visit. How great would it be to spread the word beyond our patients? With our numbers, we might be at a tipping point. We might be at a point where we may have enough CEREC owners who if they join together can really make a mark on the consumers. The ADA hasnt done it. Sirona hasnt done it. Patterson hasnt done it. Maybe we have enough members for us to do it, to do a marketing campaign similar to the Lumineers campaign done by Denmat. If we can find a way to get consumers educated on the CEREC process, how beneficial would that be to CEREC owners? To dentistry in general? What do you think? Let us know your thoughts on the matter. Would a national marketing campaign be worth it? I dont know but Id love to get your thoughts on it. Join the discussion on this thread and let us know if this is a good idea or not. Its a thread titled 'Im surprised this hasnt been done before'

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